As a result, health professionals have been finding ways to detect food allergies as early as possible, before the reactions take place. There are numerous test processes already applied, in finding that the patient is allergic to certain types of chemicals. One of these tests include blood tests.
But before further to blood test, you must first understand what happens inside the process of allergic.
There are two ways that the immune system reacts to allergy. One approach is the body after the detection of allergens, generates immunoglobulin E, or IgE, which is a type of antibody. IgE then spread into the flow of blood. Another approach is the occurrence of mast cells. Mast cells are displayed in the body tissues, in particular in the common allergy sites such as throat, nose, mouth, skin, lungs, and the authorities of the gastrointestinal system.
There are cases that the capacity to produce immunoglobulin Is to fight off certain food allergens in inherited. Persons who are afflicted with a higher risk of food allergies are those that are relevant, suffer from asthma, hay fever and eczema.
In addition, an individual must first be in contact with a potential food allergens prior to his or her body produces antibodies IgE. Because, finally, is exposed to allergen IgE then is produced and therefore fastens the mast cells. This team to will lead ultimately to a body chemical reactions next time when allergens are consumed by the hapless person.
Now this immunoglobulin Is is important in the detection of allergies by examination of the blood. The most commonly used blood tests are Radioallergosorbent test (RAST) and CAP RAST (which is basically similar RAST, but more advanced).
In blood tests result is ranked from one to six positive at least one and six most. Blood tests can be used in the case of severe eczema, since this type of test cannot be influenced by the anti-histaminics.
After drawing of blood samples, it is then sent directly laboratories for further evaluation. Blood tests can be very expensive and the results are not directly accessible to the patient to know whether they are allergic to certain foods or not.
Ultimately passed is diagnosed at a health care professional immediately detect the presence of immunoglobulin E, or IgE in the blood of the patient. But cannot identify the blood, if there is a close connection between the existence of IgE allergy and intensity. There are even cases, the results are negative, although patient manifests symptoms of food allergy.
In the event of failure to blood tests still other tests may use the medical specialists up to your allergy. These tests may include tests for skin prick, elimination diets and challenges of food.
In addition, please feel free to ask questions of medical specialists, on the results in order to better understand their situation.