Allergies to food normally dealt with by avoiding causing allergy food. When an allergen (that causes allergic reactions) has been recognized, the patient then it is recommended that you remove it from his or her diet. This is achieved by revolutionizing cooks and read carefully the labels of foodstuffs for food products. Specific instructions in the case of food also helps avoid allergenic errors when eating out.
All cautiousness is due to the fact that there are persons who there are highly allergenic in which even tiny amounts of allergens can cause major symptoms. Plus there is food preparations that contain some common food allergens, which would usually the average person once together.
To prevent the exposure of food that you may be allergic to, self-awareness is very important. You need to know for foods that cause unpleasant these reactions. Knowledge can help you and your doctor in the formulation of management plan for your allergy. It should also be taken when checking routine for possible food allergens listed in the ingredients on the labels of foodstuffs. At the time of the eat for distribution, do not hesitate inquiring for the constituents of a meal plan.
Other precautionary measure, especially for those who have serious allergic symptoms when exposed to food allergens is the wearing of necklaces or bracelets, provided by the medical institutions to inform other people about your allergies in the event of an accident, for example, in a State of unconsciousness.
Patients are also recommended to make permanent their adrenaline yourself-injectibles prescribed by their doctors. Their doctors will instruct them as to how to self-administer treatment during an episode of an allergic reaction.
If it appears the intense symptoms, emergency doctors of required to help transport the natural person to the nearest hospital. Severe and sudden allergic reactions are called anafilaktična reactions. Anaphylaxis may be fatal if not treated quickly.
Other than adrenaline injections there are still other medications may be prescribed by a doctor to deal with allergic reactions to food. These medicines will include bronchodilators, Antihistamines, corticosteroids and adrenergic agonists.
Bronchodilators relieve symptoms that are associated with the difficulty of breathing. This essential air corridors blood bronchial Airways become inflamed due to an allergic reaction that ultimately helps the patient to breathe normally. Strong allergy sensitive persons should bear with them quick-acting bronchodilators if they also experience strong attacks from time to time, which may be triggered by an allergic reaction.
Antihistamines to relieve symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, hives, eruptions have and gastrointestinal discomforts. And corticosteroids reduce the severity of skin and other provoke irritations similar inflammation caused by an allergic reaction. Antihistamines may be available in a syrup-type or chewable tablet for easy access in the event of a sudden allergic episode.
Adrenergic agonists are utilized during emergency treatment for anafilaktična reactions. The results are immediate and high efficiency. Usually adrenergic agonists alleviate symptoms of angioedema failure of the cardiovascular system, bronchospasm and hives.
In addition to the drugs that fight against exclusion symptoms of food allergies there are treatments which cause quite a stir in the medical world, although there are not enough studies have been carried out to demonstrate that these treatments are effective.
One such revolutionary treatments include the desensitization of the patient by administering injections of small quantities of food allergens on a regular basis. This treatment is claimed that in the end is to make the patient endure food allergens in the long term. Another is the introduction of the diluted substance that contains food allergens in the language of 30 minutes before the intake of the actual food. This treatment shall be operated so as to defuse the symptomatic manifestations of consumed food allergens.
Finally, bear in mind that there is no treatment of food allergies. All the above are only there to help alleviate the symptoms of allergic reactions.