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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dog Food Allergy - What Is The Best Solution?

Your own dog is a unique companion, which requires your love and attention. When the dog is suffering from an ailment or condition, you can also have suffering. It is sometimes difficult to understand what causes these diseases and many vets say that it has something to do with food allergies. About 10% of dog allergies are due to food.

Allergies affiliated with food can be extremely daunting to the proprietary. If you often excessive dog scratching and itch, your pet may have a couple of food allergies..

The most common food culprits are maize, wheat and soy. There are also dogs allergic to beef and veal and chicken. It would be absolute to bring your dog to a vet in order to the physician can give an exact diagnosis and the proper mode of treating your absolute friend.

If your dog compulsively and excessive licks his leg, or bites or chews its other parts of the body, this is already a sign that your Pet has passed. Usually domestic dietolozite and vets recommend replacing your dog protein source. For this purpose special lamb is often used to introduce something new to his diet.

If significant to rely on your vet, he would usually give you formulas that are hypo-allergenic. Did you know that you can also find out things yourself? There is a dog food mixtures, which are specially designed for those with food allergies. In the long term, these mixtures can be expensive.

You can begin to deliver anti-allergics mixtures so that you can manage close your dog diet. Mixtures containing vitamins and nutrients formulated exclusively for dogs. Try to experiment and the introduction of other sources of protein and observe the reaction of the dog for a few days.

There are some dog mixtures, which are based on chicks, while others have fish protein. Every now and then change your dog protein source and monitored. If finally found one that goes with your dog and allergies seem to be improved, then stick to this diet.

There are things to remember when you are introducing a new food for your dog. You must do this slowly for about six days. Use the ration 4 is to 1, with 4 being the old food. Do this steadily until the sixth day, when you have changed your dog diet. Stick with the diet for at least one week and keep a close watch, if your dog has developed some reaction.

You cannot solve the allergy troubles of your dog overnight. Interrupt your dog food cycle starting with neutral food that is free from grain. After the discovery of the source of protein for your dog, you can try entering the grain back and to see whether there is an effect. Use your common sense; and if you choose to do things your own, you can save a lot of money. And remember that should you dog a well-balanced diet with the right amount of vitamins and minerals.

The process of sensitizing your dog some food agent and the reaction of complex antibody, which is held in your dog intestinal tracts are not yet well understood. However, many vets and dietolozite know the symptoms and how to correctly diagnose allergies and their processing.

So you see, you can in addition try other substitutes in deciding your dog's food excluding allergy-free foods. All it takes is patience, time, and usual sense